Small Businesses are Winning the Hiring Race. Are You?
Millions of people have quit their jobs. Yet, if you're like most small business owners I talk to, you've had almost zero of those respond to your hiring efforts.
Where did they all go after they quit?
This question is puzzling for most of my colleagues because the answer is: Nowhere. Historically people quit their job when they get a better offer or when life circumstances change when they move when something big happens. People are largely burnt out and don't know what they want to do next. The one thing they're sure of is, they don't want to do what they've been doing. The morning, they wake up and realize that they can't get out quickly enough. There's no pay raise, promotion, or schedule change that's saving them because they've been gone for a long time. The pandemic shifted the way we look at everything. While large organizations squabble over their remote work arrangements and figure out how to "get productivity back," they fail to realize their employees have slowly disconnected from the vision, the purpose and lost all desire to sit through another zoom meeting.
What is it they're looking for?
Another tricky question because I don't think they know. Every month millions are quitting their jobs, but the labor force number continues to show negative growth. Many Americans can afford to take a break, and they are.
How do I get them to work for me?
I said I don't think they know. But I think deep down you know what they want. You just have to take a moment to remember it. Think about the first team you ever had. Likely you worked them too many hours for too little pay, and yet they soldiered for you like few you've ever seen before or since. Why is that? How did you run your business differently than you do today? These are deep questions you need to take time to ask yourself, but the good news is, once you figure it out, you can light a fire that will be nothing short of contagious.
Why are small businesses winning the race?
Small business owners have spent much of the last decade trying to compete with large companies. Bean bag work environments, stand-up meetings, all-you-can-eat cereal bars, company outings (admit it, you've tried a few of these). Because we've seen all the big companies steal away great talent, and this seemed like the obvious reason. Copying may have worked a few years ago, but now that there is a mass exodus of people leaving large companies, it's time for small businesses to remember what makes us different. A vision, and passion, that people can connect with locally. Something they can be a part of. A place where they can see actual improvement take place before their eyes. They can see growth, not just on a chart in a zoom call, but because they see foot traffic increase and shipments going out. They want to be a part of something that matters. And what could matter more than the small business that's bringing normality back to their hometown! If you haven't figured it out yet … your next employee isn't looking at your job page. They are one of your customers. You need to impress every one of your customers so much that it occurs to them that they might want to work for you. You (and your team) need to share the vision of what you're doing as an organization, where you are going, what your dreams are so that your CUSTOMER makes the connection and says: I want to be the person who does that.
How do I pay for my new staff?
One of the only positive things to come out of the pandemic is a flood of new cash flow incentives for small and mid-sized businesses. Most companies don't know where to start, maybe you took advantage of the PPP program, but you wouldn't know where to look beyond that. Using software that helps find all of these programs to stay focused on growing your business is key.
Get cash flow for all the employees that have worked for you in the past, the ones that work for you today, and the ones that will join your team soon.
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Snapshot Business Services helps Main Street business owners not leave money on the table by guiding them through tax savings and credit strategies. Find out if you’re eligible for tax savings by visiting our website and trying out one or all three of our tax savings tools. In as little as 15 minutes, you could find savings of up to six figures. (most of our business owners do)
Gerald is Director of Snapshot Business Services and has spent 15 years in Wealth Management, Commercial Realty, and Energy Consulting. His purpose is to help your business grow by increasing your cash flow. With a network of 500 team members in 40 states, he can provide the most up-to-date, current information on available programs across a wide array of industries that helps you find the money, and then we help you get the money.